CGA Monthly Newsletter

Que Pasa

Active Member
This is a notice to all affiliates/member group leaders, that the monthly newsletter project is now under way. Tek has put me in charge of organization and editing. What you, as a leader, need to do is send an article(s) for inclusion in this monthly newsletter. I figure at least one article per group in the CGA will be sufficient, if you wish to write another, go ahead.

Some tasty topics you might consider writing about:

* Whats new with your group?
* What have you slated to change about your group?
* How has God touched your group?
* Anything else, just be sure to write me before you start work on it.

Send everything, including questions and articles to quepasa at cgalliance dot org.
Leaders should delegate articles (if not write them themselves), based upon the suggested criterion, or something they bring up with me.

CGA member groups and their presidents/leaders

CGA Affiliates

I think thats everyone.
Round two is now upon us. I have supplemented this post with individual E-Mails to all of the leaders and affiliates. Ladies and gentlemen, I emplore you to participate in this project. It's going to be a great way for people who don't come around very often to be able to keep up on what's happening with the CGA.
I will participate
how long do I have?
CCGR just broke 175,000 hits and has over 100 members. Other than that nothing too exciting going on
Our aim for this is to be a Februrary edition, the deadline for submissions is the 14th of February, and it will be published on the 15th. So on and so forth, next month's newsletter will have the same dates (14th and 15th).

Please E-Mail submissions to