Been Away...some help pls

Bald Guy

New Member
OK, Flame, I've been gone a long time and have 5 85 characters. Mage, Pally, Druid, Shammy, Hunter.
I love them all, so don't say play what you like. : )
I do NOT pvp. I like to grind and quest and lvl up but I don't want a gimped class. Has anything happened to the game in the past 24 months that would warrent me lvl'ing up one over the others.
My goals are to get lvl'd up and to help quest with others and get geared up...Obviously none of them are geared any longer.
Goteeman just took me last nite thru 2 new panda quests and I got 8 pieces that replaced my hard earned purps! (btw, thx a ton Gotee!)

OK, any help? Are there needs in the guild atm? I know we are down in numbers but are we trying to organize anything that a particular spec/character is needed? Just wondering and look forward to seeing y'all in game!!
Merry Christmas and God bless and thx in advance for the help!
Baldee - we are about as far from raiding as you can get. My whole plan right now is to get some infrastructure in place and some good officers ready for the expansion. The guild is still pretty dead, and probably will be until WoD comes out. I'm hoping at that time, the people that do come back will stick around because we have a system in place again. We had some guild leaders quit, a nebulous officer team, and just a general lack of organization and leadership. I'm trying to bring some structure back and see what happens! For me that means leveling my druid gatherer to get some cash, cleaning out the guild bank, organizing leadership, and changing a few rules. I just want to return Redeemed to a place that makes people want to keep playing. All that to say: don't be discouraged if you don't see many folks online for the next few months :P

More to your question, my main raider is a BM Hunter right now, and I'm loving it. Great for soloing and raiding alike. We don't particularly have any roles that need filled for the guild right now though :)
And don't forget to visit the Adventuring Supplies Vendors (Silkreaver Rui and Singegruff ) and replace the rest of your gear. Pretty much every region has an adventuring supplies vendor appropriate for that level. It really helps avoid ever being under geared. Once you hit 90, run over and spend a while on the Timeless Isle getting free (yes free) 496 epics that are literally just lying around on the ground over there. If you don't mind a corpse run or two, you can get a guaranteed drop of the Essence stuff that turns one of those pieces into 535 ilvl gear. Be warned though, that place is NOT a friendly PvE environment and you will get ganked numerous times by both horde and even some alliance players (and the mobs are worse). But hey, my warrior just hit 90, and went from 423 average item level to 466 in about 45 minutes...

As for classes you should play, I'd say if you TRULY don't have a preferred class, take either the Paladin or Druid. Pallys and Druids are very versatile, and if you're not afraid of a little tanking or healing, they'd be the fastest to get into dungeons/raids with (seriously, that dps LFD/LFR queue is insaaaaaane). That said, hunters are just so much fun for solo content and probably had the most actual fun of the five chars I hit 90 on. Mages are all about the PvP for me, and I don't really enjoy anything but that on them (aside from portaling friends to Ancient Dalaran...) but it's all personal preference. Most important thing is play what you want, and if you like to quest, make sure to finish the area's main questline before moving on because they're all really good.
I was just going to mention the Adventuring Supplies guy. You can replace all your gear with iLvl stuff to get you into dungeons.

When you hit 90, you have some options. If you wrapped up questing in Dread Wastes you should have high enough gear to get into Scenarios. Run those until you are geared to run heroics, and so on until you can get into LFR.

You can also run around on the Timeless Isle at 90 and open chests for iLvL496 gear. Not sure how much fun that is on a PvP server (not a pvper), but it is a good catch up.

If you run LFR, regardless of iLvL you still need to go through each tier in order to access them all. I doubt they will change this as people still need bodies in the lower tiers for the legendary quest chain.
awesome guys! thx a ton! Look for me on and I will prob need some further help. Elader, I will try to lvl up the pally first. he is primarily a tank....
Flame, let me know if i can help with recruiting or whatever. already got Terr back on and working on some others. Elader, I have seen you on a couple of times. don't hesitate to ask if you need me to do something to help get redeemed with Flame for a reference ck...: )
OK, i'll be on so look for me and thx again for the good info!!
We need to add each other to real id. That way we can help with cross server stuff. I will try to log on to my stonemaul toons this week.