Alternate source of ectos


New Member
I've been farming ectos in Orr with some success. A good long day of farming can give around 10 with about 5g on the side. It's a nice way to make cash, but I end up with a lot of side supplies ... large bones, mithril, silk, etc. However, today I just finished off Armorsmithing and I got to thinking ... can I convert my rares made with armorsmithing into ectos? They don't sell well anyways ... so I took the 6 rares I made to do 375-400 and salvaged them for 5 ectos (that's 1g 50s of ectos btw).

Ectos are needed in great volume for legendaries and if you are ever going down this route, it is something to consider.

My cornerstone recipe uses Carrion insignias which means:

2 Bolt of Silk + 10 Spool of Silk + 15 Large Bones + X Mithril/Silk for your item = 1-3 Ectos

This is probably more useful to me since I have like 300 Large Bones and Mithril/Silk in the 1000+ range, but if anyone else also farms or has farmed Orr, don't discount this use of materials. Making pauldrons or helms is the most efficient use of materials.

I plan to finish off the rest of my trades before going into this heavily, but I thought I would post about it. These 3 items (Large Bones, Mithril, Silk) don't sell so well since they are already over farmed.