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  1. 7

    Mesmer vs. Elemental

    It's this: I sorta dropped it until I level 80, because its attack power is pretty weak in my perception. Especially since its a full level 80 build. I would need a good build geared towards 20 that...
  2. 7

    Post Patch Phantasm Mesmer

    I miht try that out when I lvl 80 my Mesmer. For now I'm working towards this.
  3. 7

    Mesmer vs. Elemental

    I went mesmer and am working towards using "The Immortal Build", and I'm loving Mesmer. Its fun, challenging, but fun. :)
  4. 7

    Electricity = climbing success!

    "No, Mr. NPC. You most certainly cannot help me, unless of course you can enable me to go higher. :3"
  5. 7

    Mesmer vs. Elemental

    When LoE, I believe, and SoLA did their first WvWvW together, I believe I was there and we had alot of fun as a great group holding a point. I think I might go elemenetal, but you may have just convinced me to make my third one day a Mesmer. :) I could do both those builds and if I did WvWvW or...
  6. 7

    Mesmer vs. Elemental

    I wanted to start a character and level 80 it and just do stuff with the guild and whatnot. My question is, where are elementalists and Mesmers now? Are either any better/worse? If so, where are builds now, are there really good builds, are there fun ones? Et cetera et cetera. :)
  7. 7

    Word Association GW2 version

    Jungle 2 Jungle
  8. 7

    Games beyond Wow

    I'm tinkering with F2P Vindictus game to see if I wanna play it alittle or just forget about it all together. I'm also playing Minecraft again, I bought GW2 but I've gotten kinda bored of that game burning myself out after getting pretty far in world completion. :) (Darn, I forgot this was a...
  9. 7

    Let's demand better gaming content free of religious propaganda.

    One day if I become a game designer, I'm going to set out to make the ultimate fictional christian medieval videogame based off a a portion of a novel series I want to one day write, so if you see something with the phrases, "War of the Angels...." or, "Thine Kingdom Caleron....", picking it up...
  10. 7

    Ticked off at Anet

    I got kinda bored at around level 67 and have been playing fallout new vegas. I'm not overly excited by the halloween event, tried playing it once today but besided joining a hunting zerg in a mad king's rhealm, didn't do much in there. I might just go finish the last two dlc quests for FNV I've...
  11. 7

    Let's demand better gaming content free of religious propaganda.

    I personally enjoy the Assassin's Creed series solely as a fiction Sci-Fi storyline. I'm eagerly awaiting the day you get to play as Desmond, as I enjoy futuristic city settings and worlds like that, and I want to see how they portray a futuristic scientifically advanced world. At the second or...
  12. 7

    If you are like me, this could be helpful.

    One day I want to be an author. I have no clue about compiling story ideas, organizing and creating any form of plot structure, and dynamically outlining characters and all the aspects of their personalities and background. I did, however find this site that tells how to do these things in a...
  13. 7

    Information for the List of Christian MMO guilds.

    Hey, don't know if you know about the guild I joined. Its a Guild Wars 2 Guild in the Sanctum Rall Server, if I spelled that correctly. Game: Guild Wars 2 Name: Saints of Lions Arch Server: Sanctum Rall Site: I think thats all the info you would need. They don't...
  14. 7


    Sorry if my post gets accepted and I wind up double-posting. Don't wanna get kicked for not posting because it took about a week to get added into the websites user list on the server. Anyways, My name is Steven Dorsey, I'm a part of the Saints of Lions Arch GW2 guild and realised that I could...
  15. 7


    Hi, my name is Steven Dorsey. I am a member of the Saints of Lion's Arch Guild Wars 2 Guild. Saw this in a bookmark I had made just before I had chosen Sola and realised I might still be able to be part of this forum though I had joined Sola, and here I am. I might hang around here along with...
  16. 7

    Writing challenge for NOVEMBER

    I joined just for the sake of possibly playing around on one of these contests one day. So next month's I might try to get involved here. :)