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New Member
Zul'Aman(ZA) comes out with patch 2.3 this Tuesday, 11/13. We have decided as officers to start out with 1 official team to begin learning the instance and working out strats. This will go on for a few weeks before we officially make multiple teams.

This does NOT mean that anyone else who isn't part of the official team can't get other guildies together to run ZA during these first several weeks. If you decide to run ZA by yourselves, you will have to research the strategies yourself and do the prep work.

You can also run Karazhan instead of ZA if you so desire.

For those who don't know, ZA is the new 10-man instance located in the Ghostlands. There are 6 bosses in ZA and it will be on a 3-day reset timer, according to Wowwiki, that may change.

We don't know who will be online tonight for running ZA so here's what's going to happen. I have work till 7 server and will be on shortly thereafter, takes me a couple minutes to drive home. I will lead this first team for the next few weeks. From whoever is online each night we want to run ZA, I'll pick 9 other people to go. It won't be the same 9 people everytime since not everyone can be on everytime.

But remember you can make your own groups as well and venture into ZA or Karazhan.
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