You can't place a block here?


Active Member
I don't remember it being like this, but since the 1.0 update when I try to place a block somewhere I can't (like under my feet, which happens all the time) then I get a message that says "You can't place a block here" and it make me throw what ever I am holding on the ground. This is SUPER annoying, does anyone else have this issue?
The minecraft forums had a fix for this. I can't find it now however. They also had a modified .jar file for the connection issues everyone seems to be having. Again, I can't find the post this early in the morning before I head off to the dentist to get started on two crowns. I didn't try either as I don't have any issues with single player mode.

/me shrugs.

I really like the new endermen. They are much less annoying.
I posted the fix for the connection issue in another thread.

Simple Server was updated with a "stable-ish" version for 1.0. We were using a release for RC1. I will install the 1.0 version tonight. I hope it fixes a lot of these headaches :D