
New Member
...too good.

I have been watching WOW for awhile. And I am truly impressed with what it is becoming.

What are your thoughts on the upcoming game? Are you going to switch over? At what price would you not switch over?

I think it is going to be a great way to minister to many people. Assuming a reasonable subscription price, I will be subscribing. Maybe $10 or $15 a month. I certainly will try for a few months if it is more then that.
No more MMORPGs for Tek. ;_; No time, too expensive, and too darn addictive for us social gamer types. I had a ton o' fun playing Dark Age of Camelot, I made a lot of memories that I'll always treasure (so cheesy, but so true), but the era of my life with that much free time is over.

Which is a shame, because I'd really like to try out Final Fantasy ONLINE (I still refuse to call it "eleven" because it's NOT). Of course, my budget can't afford a $50 hit, then another $13 or whatever it is per month. Hosting two web sites (CGA and my family site) at $10 each is enough. >_<

EDIT: As for your question: If I WAS going to go back to MMORPGs, I'd definitely check out WoW. It looks super-spiff.