wow tek on cs


New Member
its about time today the 16 tek was playing cs ha it was about time he was doing pritty well for never playing useing that noob cannon
Yes, well, I play CS from time to time. I stink on ice when I play regular maps, but stink less when I play customs. While I like "the n00b cannon" on fy_ maps, I prefer the M4A1 or AK-47 on other maps.

You'll see me around, now and then, when I want to be social. CS, for me, is less about the game and more about the other people playing the game.
The few days that I've had the honor to play CS with Tek, are the ones that make me fear for my very life.
Woot I liked his spray!!!! but hahahahaha all he seen was bullet holes!!!! Ok like that was forever ago!!!!!