WOW, I'm not even a class lead anymore?

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New Member
Title says it all... This has been taken to new extreams, at first I felt like I was leaving on my own, now I don't... now it feels like I was pushed out and there was a plan to replace me as Raid Leader all along.

Thanks for the love all the officers involved.

I know this is a public post but this is all been very public.
thats the Redeemed way, something happens in the public eye followed by no information at all about why it happened and keep it all in officer forums.
Its better that Mommy and Daddy don't fight in front of the kids, Where. Trust the leaders to make the right decisions and pray for God to work through them for the good of the guild.
It's probably just a communication glitch. Mordos' no one wants you out of this guild Bud. You are totally loved and wanted. I need people like you around me when I play this game. One of the reasons I quit on my old account before I came back to the game was because of the bad influences in game. You are one of the good ones Bud. You are totally wanted.
It is better for kids to not see it, but it doesn't help them understand why their parents get divorced in the end.

I personally want to know what is going on because the rumors I am hearing don't sound like a very christian thing to be doing. Really makes you wonder if Mordos can be treated like this after all he has done for the guild than what chance do I stand if I disagree with someone? Aves said it all the night this happened, there needed to be a guild master post to explain what happened before rumors started, now its rampant and everyone is talking about it and the leaders think it will go away if they ignore it. So now the rumors keep spreading and each jump is further and further from the truth.

Romans 15:5-6 folks. Lets remember this. Lets also give the Leadership team and Mordos time to sort this out. Rumors are always propagated by each person who hears something and talks about it. In the end the only way to close them off is to make a choice (A Godly choice) at the personal level to stop talking about it.

We do not know what is going on behind the scenes. I don't see anything wrong with asking for answers, but we also need to trust Leadership and Mordos to handle this behind closed doors. This might mean we won't get answers. You can find examples of this in a good church where leadership moves someone out of their position for a time to give them an opportunity to grow without telling the congregation the whys. Is it really the congregation's business? No not entirely. On some levels yes, but we don't have a right to the details. Does leadership often employ this tactic to protect the privacy of the people involved...absolutely, and such is the case here. What's important here is loving Mordos first and foremost and even though Mordos started this thread its best that we let them deal with the issue privately and trust the Godly men and women involved to make prayerful decisions for the good of the Redeemed ministry.

Maybe instead of asking what happened, we could just spend some time praying for the situation. I'm sure that God will change this for the better if prayerfully done.
Man, all this stuff couldn't have happened on a worse week for me, Easter prep is killing me. I haven't been able to spend much time on the forums, so I'm a little out of the loop. All I know is when I got to work there were 14 PM's in my inbox since last night. I've got about 10 mins to type this before my next meeting, so this will be short and to the point.

Mordos is a good friend of mine, one of my better friends in-game. We talk on the phone at least once a week while he walks home for lunch! Mordos and I have been through a lot, good times, and really hard times. I came to Mordos Sunday night because we needed to have a potentially tough conversation, and I'm not going to reveal any more info than that because it was a personal conversation, it would be completely inappropriate of me to do so.

I trust Mordos more than just about anyone else in the guild to take his questions to the Lord and trust his leading, and that's exactly what I asked him to do. I never asked Mordos to step down. To the contrary, I told him I would be here to support him whatever he decided. I wasn't on during the OS raid on Monday, but my understanding is that Mordos asked Jad to demote him. Soon after Chalice whispered him and asked for him to demote her too. I don't want to speak for Chalice, but she felt like she would have a tough time continuing to lead without him in the lead position, and I respect her wishes.

I haven't spent much time online in the past two days, so I'm not sure what is up with the demotions from rank and forum access, and I would ask for your patience while we sort things out.

I had really hoped this would have played out with a less drama, so my apologies for anything I could have done differently to minimize the problem. If you have any other issues, I'll be online tonight to field questions.
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Tree said it best, and I thank Arterian for the words....

Officers could use the prayer right you can see we are dealing with some issues, I can tell you that we are going to the Lord on these...

There is a lot of rumors going on and I ask that they stop, if you want to know something to ask the person, or persons involved and not to listen to rumors, rumors will only hurt the situation and we all know how things can be misunderstood in typing...
I hope what Tree has posted is enough. Give the leaders and officers time to sort things out, and prayer is never a bad thing. Good job Arterian on trying to keep the focus in the right place.
Man, all this stuff couldn't have happened on a worse week for me, Easter prep is killing me. I haven't been able to spend much time on the forums, so I'm a little out of the loop. All I know is when I got to work there were 14 PM's in my inbox since last night. I've got about 10 mins to type this before my next meeting, so this will be short and to the point.

Mordos is a good friend of mine, one of my better friends in-game. We talk on the phone at least once a week while he walks home for lunch! Mordos and I have been through a lot, good times, and really hard times. I came to Mordos Sunday night because we needed to have a potentially tough conversation, and I'm not going to reveal any more info than that because it was a personal conversation, it would be completely inappropriate of me to do so.

I trust Mordos more than just about anyone else in the guild to take his questions to the Lord and trust his leading, and that's exactly what I asked him to do. I never asked Mordos to step down. To the contrary, I told him I would be here to support him whatever he decided. I wasn't on during the OS raid on Monday, but my understanding is that Mordos asked Jad to demote him. Soon after Chalice whispered him and asked for him to demote her too. I don't want to speak for Chalice, but she felt like she would have a tough time continuing to lead without him in the lead position, and I respect her wishes.

I haven't spent much time online in the past two days, so I'm not sure what is up with the demotions from rank and forum access, and I would ask for your patience while we sort things out.

I had really hoped this would have played out with a less drama, so my apologies for anything I could have done differently to minimize the problem. If you have any other issues, I'll be online tonight to field questions.

Tree, I'm not going to add to your frustrations. I'm keeping my own personal feelings in check and I have been careful not to post anything in the leaders forum out of concern that what ever I post will do nothing more then add fuel to the fire.

I trust the leaders will work this out. While you guys do work this out, I will step away from raiding. I feel I have enough built up anger that it may find outlets where I don't need them. And the stresses within a raid are a prime place for leakage to occur.
I would be happy to answer any questions concerning my stepping back from raid leading/raiding but Tree put it in pretty good words already. I however am as confused as most about the rest of what is going on with access to forums, demotions, and vent channel name changes and hurtful things that have been happening to Mordos and myself. Its Easter weekend and I'd rather concentrate my energy on family as I expect the guild leaders will do the same and I trust they will work on the issues in due time.
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Honestly, we as officers have not been able to discuss things like we would want and a lot of things have happened that we need to take a moment to talk about. Thanks for everyone keeping cool heads and lets try and keep that up. Give us a few days to all get together and talk and work things out. I honestly believe a lot of what has happened has been because of misunderstandings. Please give us a little bit of time to actually speak to each other and we'll make things right.

Also, as far as rumors floating around.. Mordos was *NOT* forced out. No one put the pressure on him to leave. Mordos, I'm sorry if the quick promotion of another raid leader made you feel that we had been planning on you stepping down, that was not the intention. And the demotion to being lower than a class leader was simply an oversight.

Everyone please try and keep a cool head and we can work things out. There is no need for rumors to be floating around between people who are not involved.. there is no conspiracy going on in the officers chat or forums.
Um....this may be a bad time....but i wanted to remind everyone of Tonight's Bible Study in vent. It will be under Citgrad's channel. Tonight's topic will be reconciliation.

Everyone is invited, and I hope to see you there.

That wasn't a joke. The topic REALLY WILL be reconciliation. That is what Christ did for us at Cavalry. That is what we are supposed to do for and with each other.
Christ never hid anything! He also pushed everyone to be better and did not tolerate mediocrity. Mordos pushes us to be better and I thank him for it! Besides this is just a game! We have enogh strife in our RL to not just enjoy the time and fellowship of a christian group. Look in yourselves, find yourselve and live as Christ would have us strive to be better than we are in all things.
Christ never hid anything!
Actually Christ hid things ALL the time. He answered questions with questions and rarely gave a straight answer. He talked in parables so some people would not understand (on purpose) while others would. He constantly told people NOT to mention His true identity as it was not yet time. He held back many things from many people as He knew what people needed to hear vs what they wanted to hear.
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Praying and loving you all!

Someone said something about intimidation - I am intimidated by you all! You are such l33t players! I am soooo very low on your scale...hehe! If I am a 2.3 on the Richter scale, ya'll are somewhere above 8! And I love playing this game with you all! Awesomeness. Blessed!

Love ya!
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