Who is interested in a ranked team?

Because I sure am! Although the siren call of Skyrim has had me away from LoL for a while I intend to enjoy some ranked play this season ad would enjoy it more with like minded gamers. I am BeasterRerborn in game. Friend me and message me!
I have been trying to get a premade team of 5 for the longest time. I already duo with one person a lot. I'm in weather we get 5 or not we can always duo together if you don't mind me midding with Miss Fortune.

I also just tried adding your name...did you miss spell it? Says you aren't found..

Maybe try adding me....."BrianJacko"
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Here is a link to get a ranked team started.
I have reserved ToJ and ToJ17 as tags along with Tribe of Judah as a Team Name...
i dont think ive ever seen you on when im on. if you were on maybe i was in a game? make sure were on each others friends list.
If a group of players comes at me with a request to form a team, I will duly consider that request. I need a team to start the process, one that is (fairly) commited to the team and players that represent the CGA/ToJ premise of Christian character.
Ok here are 3 names I can add to one team. That leaves room for 4 more (I think I have to be in it to start, not sure)
just thought i'd say I'd be willing to play some...currently I'm at 1580 in solo Q

my best atm are nocturne, riven, ahri, cait, janna

I play:
AP MID: kennen, ahri, annie
AD Bot: cait, vayne, ezreal
Top: Riven, GP, Udyr, WW, Cho, singed
jungle: nocturne, skarner, udyr, lee sin
Heck yes.

My username is Crimthain. I play mostly AD champs, ranged or melee, but I was also called "Supershen" by my friends for good reason.

Add me anytime! I'll accept any friend requests. :D
My username is Crimthain. I play mostly AD champs, ranged or melee, but I was also called "Supershen" by my friends for good reason.

Add me anytime! I'll accept any friend requests. :D
/bump for newly approved post
Im down for some 5slegos sometime.

Most always Ap mid. Can play pretty much any ap mid champ there is and work around their team.

I can jungle noct, yi, lees

Also can solo top as singed, sometimes gragas.
Here is our team so far:
Me , BrianJacko, Brutus007, BeasterReborn and TheRedView.
I will send out invites to fill it up.
Good luck all...!
We have some teams now! Lets get playing! Let's represent ToJ proper! (or at least have fun...)