What do you think?


There's this company called Crediplay which lets you play games for free or for money.  This is very borderline gambling but it's not required which make sit a tough call.  What do you all think?

The reason I ask is because they want me to link them on CCGR
From the Legal page </span>
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]We intend that our CASH games be played ONLY by adults. Anyone considered a minor in his or her respective jurisdiction is strictly forbidden to play our fee-based games. Our free practice games can be used by anyone over the age of 12.
<span =''>
Note the word 'practice'. Looks like everything is centered on playing for money (ala gambling). I wouldn't link 'em, but that decision is between you &amp; God.
Practice sounds like gearing up uhhh younger children to be future gamblers. I would say that's...suspicious. I personally heartily dissapprove of gambling, and wouldn't put a link... what blaze said :p
"Theres nothing wrong with gambling!!!!" - My mother

Hrmm, and this is especially odd seeing I just woke up from a dream of gambling.
I don't see it really talked about in the bible much. Not as far as money goes. But I still think gambling is wrong. There are more productive ways to use money.
gambling isn't wrong - its when it destroys peoples lives because they spend their month's pay, their life savings, and their kids' college money in one night. thats when its wrong.

besides, if you play single deck blackjack and you know how to count cards, its a perfectly good way to feed your gaming habits.
i might have to disagree here ;) ... when we gamble we are placing our trust in something else that is not God and not from God .... a few points relating to this .. In Judaism they believe the gambler is not wrong, but the one taking the money is because he is in business to take your money ... Islam also believe that gambling is sin ... they are very strong on anything "enslaving" people (don't believe in taking interest - give it away)
I don't think gambling is a sin.
It depends on what the person who is gambling feels, I believe. God, I don't think, is strict on gambling. It's not trusting in God, for sure...do you trust God will make the light turn green? Or do you just trust the electricity will send out a signal that tells red to jump to green?
I don't really look at it as trusting God for changing the color of the light. The same with gambling. It's a gamble. You roll the dice, and you lose or gain money. I don't think God frowns on any one side who loses or wins. Going to war is a gamble...does God think war is a sin? Well...that's up to you.
I do not think there is anything wrong with gambling as long as you aren't addicted to it. I have not looked at the site but how do they know that the people gambling for real money aren't kids?