Prayer Angel, Moderator
Today starts our Vacation Bible Study( VBS) for this year. Hmmm I am doing more then usual and will be the head of the household so to speak during this week. We are doing a more family oriented program this year and hope young and old will attend and participate. Please pray for a good turn out and that many lives are touched as we go through this week. I would also like a few prayers personally that I do a God pleasing job. Blessings,"Angel"
I am praying, sweet Litsafalda. I will pray as you request, but please know, you are already a God pleasing creation who seeks to, and is rewarded, with a God pleasing job! :)
I'll be praying. Now... our church has the same "problem". We are hoping we get a lot more kids, as we have 1/4 as we normally do... heh heh. and... I have another post, I decided not to tack it on.