

Staff member
Oh man. Ohhhh maaaaan. If you haven't copped the demos for this yet, stop whatever you're doing and get them. Seriously. It's not the most original game ever, but it's absolutely amazing. Eeeek.

Third person shooter made by Platinum Games (<33333) more or less in the style of Gears of War... but so much more awesome and so much less bloody.

This needs to see an immediate price drop so I can justify buying it.
Amen to that. I must've played the demo about 10 times, it was just so... fast.
It's going to be hard to pay more than $15 for any single-player PS3 game after getting Uncharted for $16, Katamari Damacy for $15, and inFamous, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, and Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time for $10 each.

That being said, yes, I agree the demo is awesome and will be watching for Vanquish to go on an awesome sale come Black Friday 2011. I'm probably set for PS3 games until then anyway. :D
I'm set for games for a long time. Gonna try and force myself not to buy more (unless I have the cash to spare on an outstanding deal of something I already wanted) outside of like... Marvel vs. Capcom 3.

But that's an obvious day one purchase for me. :p

As for Vanquish, though. Yeah. It's... legit. Gonna have to boot it up and play some more tonight. o_O
As for Vanquish, though. Yeah. It's... legit. Gonna have to boot it up and play some more tonight. o_O
You know there are two demos for Vanquish now, right?

Or should I have said that?