

New Member
Ever since his began studying the arts of Arwan Thasten felt as though something was wrong.

After many years of almost torture studying about and praising Arwan, Thasten started to look for answers to what he was feeling.

Until one day on his adventures he met with one that associated himself with the Trinity. Thasten told him of his unrest and anguish. The Knight seemed to immediatly know what was wrong, and began to try to teach Thasten the true path.

A few days later after thinking of what he had been told, Thasten realized the error of his ways and tried to find a way to correct them. He also realized though that he would be utterly powerless if he were to forget his teachings and relinquish his powers, he was at a loss.

He finaly discovered that it wasn't that he was praying to Arwan that was giving him is powers, but it was the true God that the Knight had spoken of, he knew of Thasten's true path and thus gave him the powers that he wields.

He had decided that he would seek out this Knight again and ask for further teaching and for acceptance into the Knights...

As of yet he has not found the Knight but hopes he will soon and be able to abate the torment he has been living with for so many years. And hopes that he will truely be accepted by the Knights.

Until that time, he has to continue on with the way he was going, for he has no guidence...
...feeling rejected and hurt as though he was being avoided for what he is, what some people consider to be pure evil, Thasten has receeded further into himself and has decided that he dosen't need anyone.

He has returned to praising his decidedly true god Arwan. And has no tolarance for any who try to tell him what to do, and how to do it.

He first decided to change his surname from the moral, to the solatary. And has taken on an almost hermet like existance.

Only interacting with people if he absolutly needs to, if not he tries to avoid them at all costs. Even of his life.

He finds an odd joy now when he summons from the dead and his been known to do so with no better use then to know that he will always have almost a kind of pet at his call, knowing that it will do what he bids and not reject him as he has been far too many times in his lifetime. He even went as far as taking up residence in the forests of Devey.

And out of all of this came the strange obsession with Muffins, this is the one thing Thasten will relentlessly persue people for and even pay many times their worth for them. It is not known at this point why this came about.

What becomes of him now is yet to be seen...
One day while in his forest home, Thasten was attacked by a powerful foe, and he thought for sure he was going to be killed, but just as his pet fell, a mighty warrior ran up and sliced the enemy in two. But before he even realized what had happened the warrior was gone.

He decided from then that although he dislikes the idea of being around people, that he will help any who is weaker or in danger that he comes across.

This experiance showed him that even though he does not like the idea of being around those he feels rejected by, he sometimes needs them, and they sometimes need him...
Sarcalogos sits on the dock of Gothwaite Harbor, contemplating all that he has been through. He has taken a break from fighting monsters or even helping people. The story his trainer told him, just didn't seem to make sense. Why would God not accept someone, even if they had followed a different God...a false God? Does He not love everyone? Doesn't He want to see everyone saved? These people might have been mislead, but not totally lost. The truth to these questions must be out there, somewhere. It feels right in Sarcalogos's heart, but so many people believe that these people are lost forever.

He reaches into his cloak and pulls out a piece of parchment. Opening it up he looks at the name scribed on it...Thasten. He had heard the name of the necromancer several days earlier, but could not find him. Sarcalogos asked everyone in the town if they had heard of him, but he seemed to have disappeared.

Putting the parchment back in his cloak, Sarcalogos stands up. He takes one last look at the setting sun, then turns on his heels, the cape of his cloak fluttering around his body, and walks towards the castle. It was time to seek out the truth.
Sarcalogos's journey takes him deep into the Dales of Devwy. All around him, he sees the danger lurking everywhere. As he rides his horse into the woods, the light becomes dimmer as he goes deeper...the tree tops blocking out the sun. Finally, he reaches Fort Gwyntell and decides that this is as far as he can go. He brings the horse to a halt, slides off and runs quickly into the fort. As the gates open, a clap of thunder echoes through the dark forest. Rain begins to pour. Sarcalogos pulls his hood over his head and runs into the building straight ahead.

Dripping wet, he looks around the one room facility. Everyone throws a glance at him, curious as to who the newcomer is, though trying to conceal their suspicion. A black clad inconnu gets up from his table and walks over to Sarcalogos.

"You seem to be a stranger in these parts...might I be able to help you?"

"Indeed you might," Sarcalogos replies, "I'm looking for one of your kind, I do believe, or at least I think. He is a necromancer."

"Ah, yes...there are many necromancers in these parts." The inconnu's eyelids close some as he looks Sarcalogos over. "But it seems that you are a cleric, am I correct?"

"Thou art correct, sir," Sarcalogos nods.

"Then why would a cleric be in search for a necromancer? Does he seek to destroy him?"

"No, indeed not."

The inconnu's eyes open wide. "But it said that those of your God are not keen to those who follow Arwan."

"That may be true, sir, but not all of us are the same, just as I believe that not all of your kind are the same."

The inconnu nods..."Yes...Yes." He pauses for a moment, finally turning his back on Sarcalogos. By now, everyone in the room had turned wholly towards the two, not hiding their curiousity anymore. "What is your name, sir Cleric?"

"Sarcalogos, sir. Sarcalogos Devotio."

"Hmmm...such a strange name." The inconnu turns back towards Sarcalogos. "What does it mean?"

"It is Latin, sire. Sarcalogos means Christ, and my surname Devotio means Christian."

"Christ, eh?" The inconnu rubs his chin in though. "And what or who is this Christ?"

"He is the son of God, our Lord and savior...our redeemer."

"What?!" the Inconnu slams his fist on the table. "Only Arwan can save us. He is the true God."

"What makes you believe that he is the true God?"

"What makes you believe your God is the true God, cleric?"

"I can feel Him...inside me..."

"So you are his host?"

"No," Sarcalogos chuckles as he waves his hand. "I mean I can sense Him...His spirit."

"If you can sense his spirit, but not see him, then he must be a ghost...and therefore dead...what kind of God is it that is dead?"

"He is not dead. Our Lord is risen. He has power over death."

"Risen? What does this mean?"

"God sent His son into the world, and He died for our sins. Shed His blood in order for us to be forgiven. But on the third day of his death, he rose and was alive again."

The inconnu takes the story in for a moment, then shakes his head. "Believe whatever you may, sir Sarcalogos, but you shall never make me believe it."

"You are correct."

A look of shock comes across the inconnu's face.

"I can not make anyone believe it. It is up to them to decide. I can only tell you, but you must accept it for yourself, through the Holy Spirit."

"Hmm...very strange, cleric. I sense that you have deep compassion for others, so I will help you find the one you are searching for."

Sarcalogos bows, "Thank you, sire." He pulls out the slip of parchment with Thasten's name on it and hands it to the inconnu.

The inconnu looks at the parchment for a moment. "Yes...I know of whom you seek, though he has not been seen in these parts for a long time."

Sarcalogos nods. The inconnue looks at him for a moment, then looks at the ground.

"If I hear any word, I shall try to pass it on to you." He passes the parchment back to Sarcalogos.

Sarcalogos takes the note and puts it back in his cloak. "Thank you, sir...I am dreadfully sorry. I did not seem to catch your name."

"Orone. I am one of the guardians of this fort."

Sarcalogos nods. "Thank you sir Orone. You can pass the information to anyone in the Knights of the Trinity. I would greatly appreciate it."

"Indeed I shall...take care, cleric."

Sarcalogos bows then walks towards the window, looking at the falling rain and dismal light outside.

"I don't have any muffins, now go away!" The voice from outside grabs Sarcalogos's attention. He croons his neck to see out the window towards the voice, but can not see who it was from. "Thasten, I told you I don't have any muffins!" A necromancer falls on his back, seemingly from a push. Gyllis stares at the wet inconnu, realizing his search may be over.

The inconnu slowly brings himself up from the mud, wiping himself off. He gives a sad look over at the merchant, who Sarcalogos can plainly see, now. The rain runs down the merchant's green cloak as he steps towards Thasten. Thasten grunts then runs towards the door. Everyone turns to see the wet inconnu throwing the door open and tracking mud into the room. All eyes are on him, except for Orone's, who had walked over to Sarcalogos and nodded.

Sarcalgos nods back and steps over to Thasten. "I believe you are the one I have been searching for."

Thasten steps back from Sarcalogos looking him over. "And who might ye be?"

"Sarcalogos of the Knights of the Trinity." At the sound of the guild's name, Thasten drops his staff and stands in awe.
Picking up his staff, "Knights of the Trinity! I came upon one of you long ago. What do you mean to seek me out now? I have forged my own path"

"I come to see the truth, and-"

"The truth! What possible truth can you see from me. I have already talked to one of yours and was rejected, I have no desire to be so again."

"I assure you, you were not rejected. It is very difficult to find people in this land, and you are still known in the guild."

Thasten paces back and forth.

“Difficult to find people, well it would seem you found me now. What was difficult about that? I wasn’t found because no one cared enough to look.”

“I’m sorry Thasten I don’t know how I can assure you that you were not forgotten, but I am here now and would like to talk.”

“You want to talk? Why would you possibly want to talk to me? I have decided for myself what to believe and what not to.”

“What I wish to learn is that, why would God reject someone for following a false God as we are taught.”

“So you want to use me as your little experiment then is that is?”

Sarcalgos falls silent for a moment, looking around noticing most everyone is watching the scene play out.

“Can we talk about this elsewhere? We seem to be drawing a crowd.”

“Why should I agree to meet you, I have no interest in talking with you.”

“If we meet and talk it may lead to your salvation, of which I know you have longed for and you cannot deny you desire that, to feel…right.”

“Alright, I will meet you. Come to my home tomorrow night and we will talk. But I assure you if you do not show I will never again agree to talk to you.” While saying this he slams the butt of his staff on the floor.

Thasten then leaves the room motioning for Sarcalgos to follow.

When Sarcalgos steps out, Thasten quickly tells him how to get to his home. Then walks to the gate, summoning his pet, then disappears into the night.