uBRS on Thurs 12/14?


New Member
As of right now, I should be online tonight. I know this is short notice so it's ok if I don't get a lot of people to go. I'm just throwing the idea up. :) I was wondering if anyone would like to head into uBRS, Chris style? I don't personally need any items in there, I'm just looking for a guild outting. If anyone is interested in going, I'd like to state a few things up front. The run will be sped up a bit as I'd like to do it in about an hour and a 1/2. Loot would be on a ticket system (which I will explain if anyone would like to go). The reason I am doing that is because when the 25 man instances come out, this is how I want my runs to be. I just want to get used to it now. :) For those who have been before, it will be practically identical to what Sel uses for his runs. Just an early heads up.

I know a lot of us are into the pvp thing now with the new rewards and tokens, so a lot of ya might be doing that this evening. I just thought I'd throw this out there.

I'm off to my final in A&P 2. w0000t. ttyl. :cool: