Tuesday Night PvP 10 Eastern 07-03-07 *maybe*?


Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
Well I hope to lead PvP but that depends on my company :). If they want to. Paul and Deaa will be here so it should be interesting to see if we play lol. I will try and keep you all posted!
lol, PvP FTW! hey.. if they arnt too jet lagged they could play even LONGER! o_O
Doh, I just realized that the 3rd of July fireworks (yeah, that's right :rolleyes:) are that night and last I was told, we are going.

On top of that, I'm probably going to miss Friday too because we're planning to spend the weekend at my parent's place at the lake. I heard there's a wireless hotspot nearby, but our laptop is out of commision :mad:.
A group of us are going to see Transformers that day, so unfortunately I may not be there. Depends though, if we get an earlier showing I might make it a little late.
yay! our fearless leader has thwarted the threat of the fireworks! HUZZAH! HUZZAH!