training topic


New Member
I just want to say i know its a ways down the road, but i believe that toj has some great players in it. And when we do go into scrims I will train/help anyone who wishes to be a better cs player. I may not be the best cs player, and i may never be. But i know quite a bit about the game. And I would be more then happy to have people come to me and get help. We could maybe have 2 practices a week. We could figure out what is a good time of day for everyone. And i know some strategies on most of the maps. I hope to see toj go far in matches.

Sincerely Rufio
Way to step up to the plate and take the bull by the horns there Rufio. BTW, welcome to the boards!
Best of luck to you rufio. Playing with you in toj pub, and knowing ur a skilled player, it'll go well if some people do join up.
Yeah, somebody should teach me how to play CS
Time for another *bump*! Aye, it's true, I don't like Counter-Strike and I never play any more BUT I'd like to see ToJ members help others improve their game, especially with the excellent attitude rufio has exhibited here.

Maybe some members can take the first step and help the leaders hold a training night on the private server?
U guys need to move further and spread the message. i suggest asking them in person in/out game. There are some hidden committed members who A-Team tryouts didn't reach. Try to spread it further.