To you Ret Pally DPS haters...

Problem for ret pallies becomes threat, it was addressed last patch but if you watch in kara Proudfoot is usually the first to get turned on and squished if hes not careful. And I kinda gotta wonder who you are grouping with thats L70 and not outdpsing you:p Maybe its the hunter I ran with in SH the other night helping Gilga, we 3 manned the centurian packs for the regular daily and I did 70% of the damage and he did 30% in his blues and greens, but hey, he had an epic flyer. Who cares that he had half empty sockets in his gear, he gets around fast:p

I noticed something that struck me as odd, I did some 3v3 with a ret pally and oomkin and I was outdpsing the ret pally in my +spell dmg set heh
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I got squashed last night in Kara on Illhoof as crazy as that sounds. The reason it's crazy is because we switch targets alot on this fight. It's not like I'm going crazy on him full time. At the time of my death I was attacking the chains (confused). Yes Ret pallys have threat issues... it's really the only limiter to how much dmg I can do currently. If I get better gear I really can't do more dmg unless tanks can somehow produce greater amounts of threat. It's very similar to fury warriors really.
I got squashed last night in Kara on Illhoof as crazy as that sounds. The reason it's crazy is because we switch targets alot on this fight. It's not like I'm going crazy on him full time. At the time of my death I was attacking the chains (confused). Yes Ret pallys have threat issues... it's really the only limiter to how much dmg I can do currently. If I get better gear I really can't do more dmg unless tanks can somehow produce greater amounts of threat. It's very similar to fury warriors really.

hunters MD FTW!
put up the MD to the main tank, pop my trinket and rapid fire(macro to pop em both with 1 click FTW!) with hawk on, aimed shot crit 3.4k, scatter crit 2k(i think) arcane shot crit 1.9k(ish) all going twards the main tanks threat and not mine! its soo awesome! then i rinse and repeat with multi shot instead of arcane shot.