The very (non)Productive /as meeting


Active Member
Tehrab called an alliance meeting together shortly after icthuus left on thrusday night at about 11:30 or so. Cammandus and i attended and from what i saw, the FF people didnt know what they had done and kep claiming it was Selective punishment. By theend of the meeting FF and Guardian Angels had left the /as and EoE was very quiet. Theres what i got out of it...
Heres my take.

FF knew what was going on. some of their GM's and other leaders who were on at the time of the "breadsticks" may not have known exactly but screen shots were provided and im sure the FF /gu informed them of the situation.
They were obviously afraid: pointing the finger, trying to shift blame, atk's on Tehrabs leadership. anything to get the subject of their perverted comments off the table. no one who thinks hey are innocent purposely disrupts /as like they did. they knew they were guility. The innocent know they hold the truth that can clear up any misconception.

They knew their time was up and were mad. they wanted bring down the /as anyway they could. to make themselves seem as if they didnt care and other prideful reasons.

Lets not worry too much about this, but keep it in prayer. though it may look far off, i can see resolution soon. If ppl are going to made obsene comments in /as their /as privledge needs to be suspended for a time. any guild leadership failing to ctrl such ppl from such comments, leads to the necessitation of the entire guild being removed since lack of action to prevent such comments indicates support of them, until they are willing to comply,

Tehrab stated he would post the rules so its clr. tho the violations which occured do not need to be stated to be known as wrong.

God bless ya.