The Random Comment Thread

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You is amazing how we can come up with this drives everyone else out of their mind...hehehe...remember...
Yeah, bu I can't seem to get away from just quoting random lines from movies.... Let's see if this boggles anyone's mind. "I'm twice as tall as half of you and half as tall as twice of you."
"Whoa, it's like, the future or something."

"Change it!!! Change it! Change it! Change it! Change it! Change it!"

"Uh, I'm pretty cool, Beavis, but I can't change the future."
mama says aligators are so onry because they got so many teeth & no toothbrush

(please kindly pretend I can spell)
At one time the CGA forum had a thread for a movie quotes game. Someone would put up a quote & the first person to guess the movie correctly put the next quote & so on, would you guys be interested in that?
Okay, here's another one, prolly too easy again, but, as a skiier, one of my favorites:

"Go that way, really fast.... If something gets in your way...turn!"
This second quote seems to be a stumper! So here's a hint: here's another one from the same movie...

"Gee, I'm real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky."
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