The Person Above You

TheWho, looks like ur new to ToJ.. i'm sure ur an awesome person, bet ur good at cs too
Ryan! Yay! I get to compliment Ryan :p

Heh, Ryan, ummmm, your a great friend ^_^ And always nice. And dont yell at me when I'm deathly silent on AIM. Eh, yea, not the greatest at this. Eh, I really do appreciate your friendship though. And I guess your not that bad at cs ;)
DrummerGirls is so 1337 and she loves chicken that she becomes ballistic whenever someone kills them in cs_italy (i remember when she got rly mad when chicken slaughter went about.. she aced the whole team with a mac10 XO even goose said he won't touch the chicken with DG about

Go DG and teh 1337 chickens
ahhh Flashon what to say what to say other than we've never really met but you're good in CS and i hope to learn more than that!
u are just plain awesome, and u have a funny sig
actually crazy i dont think ive ever played u, but ur a kool guy this forum though
off topic: i'm a cs nublet. ask anyone

Atown's so 1337 in everything. SC/CS, call on anything. He'll pwn j00 up
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Flash @ May 26 2004,5:42)]off topic: i'm a cs nublet. ask anyone
off topic: yes, u is a nubblet

on topic: naw, you're pretty good at cs.. u've pwned me a couple times, i enjoy playin with ya
ya know seal ive never played u on CS
u gotta play more so u can teach me the |337 abilitys of the seal
one post is all i get so atown wont die but strive to victory with his deagle and im sure he will remember he can still get --( )-> with my auto snipa by the way that meens headshot hehe
teh jfreak one of the few who dont stand a chance against me.... wait was that a compliment? jk dude you rock!