That First Win...


Staff member
...feels good, man.

The summary screen for the "pics or it didn't happen" crowd:

I've played the game some time ago, but I don't know if I ever played a real, all-human match back then. Tonight, I braved up and played just such a match. Was actually pretty fun. May have to keep at it. :D

...just wish I didn't have to unlock Vi /mutter
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I have no idea how you won that game. The stats show you had no right to win....

Anyway, what level are you now?
haha... another friend was quite puzzled the same. I just kept pushing while everyone else was generally killing or getting killed. Got to and destroyed their base before the other team could destroy mine. Oh the joys of low-level nonsense. :p

It was an ugly match. But if my persistently doing my job resulted in a win all the same, then I'll take it without further complaint. :)

Anyway, that match made me level 7.
It was suggested to me, so I will suggest it to you. Choose one of the low cost champions. Buy it and play with it until you are level 20. That way you don't have to relearn new champs every week. You learn the game and mechanics. then the champs are easier to learn later on once you have the basics down well.
Thanks for the suggestion. Makes a lot of sense to me. :) I rather like Ashe so far (though her squishiness requires I learn to kite), and I permanently have her, so she'll probably be the champ I stick with for a while. :D
Played a couple more matches. One was an utter shutout. I think we won with 40-0. /smh

This one, though, was actually a pretty close game:

We ultimately lost, but I felt pretty good about the game anyway. I was 12-0 handling bot and eventually made it all the way to the opponents' base area. Then they got into my base area on the other lanes (considering I was the only one on my lane a lot of the time, the success of their invasion was kinda saddening), so I went back to help, and things went downhill from there. Oh well! Learning a bit more. Liking it a bit more. Loving Ashe even more.

But friends playing DotA2 and my enjoyment of Guardians of Middle-earth are all vying for control of my MOBA time, too.
Feels good, man. Feels good.

I know that I was ready to drop-kick the game until I discovered Morgana. Ashe was just so very squishy and possibly one of the worst champs (for me) to learn the game. But Morgana melts face, has excellent survivability, and doesn't keel over dead when someone sneezes in her general direction.

But hey, if you like Ashe, more power to ya. Probably means that you're much better at the game than me (which wouldn't surprise me in the least). :)

Glad to hear your LoL games are enjoyable!
Haven't tried Morgana yet, but I'm glad she fits your style. :)

I've also enjoyed, and practically steamrolled with, Garen. Against opponents that have no clue when and when not to dive on me, getting kills is super easy mode... and plowing through minions brings in the dough. I know my skills are nowhere near great yet, but against my current competition, winning hasn't been too hard, or at least doing my part to help the team hasn't been too bad.

I expect to get my face kicked in frequently after posting this. haha

I also grabbed Twisted Fate while he was on sale. There's enough similarity to Gambit that I couldn't pass him up. ^_^

It's funny. I never used to like MOBAs. Then I played Guardians of Middle-earth, and now I'm suddenly hooked on them. Crazy how some games/genres just need that one point of entry to get into 'em.