Steam/Valve Fail...


Tribe of Judah Left 4 Dead Chapter Leader
well, I guess Valve doesn't like our L4D Wednesday and decided to crash just about everything to do with L4D2 so we can't play. Still don't know why... but I'm still looking for an answer.
I restarted Steam and now I can't even log in to Steam Friends.

Whoever manages the servers for the L4D2 infrastructure (Steam Cloud, authentication, etc.) must be the most incompetent server operators in the gaming industry.

Seriously, it seems like every other week there's some kind of stealth update or bug or Steam outage or some inane bug that delays the start of Left 4 Wednesday or, as in this case, cancels it altogether.

Epic fail, Valve.
To be fair, at least Steam has been behaving this way since, oh, 2003?
True, but they really let themselves delve into levels of incompetence heretofore unexplored after the release of Left 4 Dead 2.