Starting item for AD cars. (Beep Beep)


Tribe of Judah Unreal Tournament Chapter Co-leader
So mr. jamdrew told me to get rid of all my ad and mr (purple) runes and that it's so painfully obvious to go red and purple armor pen. Now I can do this pretty well, but I was also told that you either do the long sword or dorans blade. For some reason, That little extra 10 damage compred to that 12% life steal can not keep me alive long enough in the lane. This might be because my yellow and blues are level up and I don't have enough defence early game, but I feel that defence runes that reduce damage by percentage is a huge deal even if it's only 20 more added to armor or mr. I usually end up dying with an starting attack item. Am I supposed to start with an Attack item since it scales with the armor pen and all that, or should I just stick with what I know I'm good at? Would it be an awful crime for me to use armor pen runes and start with vampiric sceptor, or does that 10 extra damage SERIOUSLY impact the lane phase? I feel like if i screw up once and take damage that I have to go back and heal without the lifesteal. Basicly the lifesteal gives you so much more forgivness for screwing up. Opinions? ^_^;
Ah, A question even a newbie such as myself can take a shot at. Being as my character of choice is Caitlyn, and I tend to 1 v 1 in mid, I don't go AD starting item. I do use ArPen runes for an added early game boost however.
I grab boots + 2-3 health potions. I find that for me, this is the most efficient combination of items, as it grants me mobility and lane length. unless i'm having a terrible game (it happens to everyone) I usually buy finished boots + vampiric sceptor, OR a B.F. Sword, my first return assuming I haven't died and have the cash.
I have found that with health potions, I lane better than characters with longsword, dorans blade, or vampiric as their starting item. I outlast most characters as they cannot heal with items faster than I can damage them, and they cannot out run me with boots. This is, however, based solely on my using Caitlyn.

Just a side note, while defensive runes can save your life all game, I find that 15+ ArPen in runes adds up incredibly fast and is more useful when stacked with Black Cleaver. Especially considering if you're team is doing their job, you should rarely be in the middle of a team fight. However, this is my preference as it suits my aggressive play style.
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I don't think cait needs to start with boots considering her range is so long..... she also has an awesome escape ability. with her net thingy. I usually go vamp then beserker or merc treds when i go home w/ cait.
<3 starting boots. early speed = better skillshot avoidance, and when you're early game that's key IMO.
If I have a good game i'll swap my boots out for a phantom dancer later anyway.
I do not normally play AD cr. types, but I have seen others, like TF start with boots.
Hard to hit back when he hits and runs like that...
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my AD champ lvl one opinions:

Runes: whatev. defense is good on anyone, but you can do both. you can get apen runes and some defense runes at the same time. Whatever you don't get runewise, make up for earlier in the game with items. at level 1 the flat runes are always better, of course. I almost always go for flat, but any stat that is percentage based (resist and cooldown) at least does OK scaling into late game with the per level runes. Flat is my favorite since lvl 1 that is when runes have the biggest impact. Long story short, whatev.
AD starting item: if your base AD is low, you have AD scaling spells (ashe), or you aren't planning on an upgraded lifesteal item. I'll go for this over lifesteal most of the time since it does help out with the farming.
Vampiric: only if you have a high base AD and plan to upgrade it early
Dorans: nice compromise. defense + lifesteal + damage
boots + pots: doesn't necessarily give you the strongest lane presence (depending on the escape mechanics of you and your opponent) but at least the boots aren't wasted... everyone needs lvl2 boots fairly early.
Smart play: An essential! Use your bushes! Poke squishies but don't over-extend! Don't poke full health minions! /obvious but for some reason people want to worry so much about starting items and runes when your play style is far more important.
I would also suggest that each carry, having different strengths and weaknesses from the others, might need a unique starting item set based on both their characters needs, and the ability of the players.
IE: My build on caitlyn is based off of caitlyn herself, as well as my playstyle with her. If I were to play as MF, my build might change based on character needs and how I play using MF.
In conclusion, I would say that you are probably the most knowledgeable when it comes to your playstyle, but that it might be worth looking into recommended starting sets from people who use that character regularly. Check out mobafire if you're looking for good suggestions on starting builds, and find the one that works best for you.

Boots + pots = win for me though ^_^
I think overall, MF is best to start w/ vamp if she has AD runes. Too many times I go back to base and am way too tempted to build my long sword into madreds razors and then into blood razors, when I know I should be building something entirely different. The vamp is especially nice on mf because you don't have to buy health pots. Especially if you have utility masteries which i use as well. Depending on the team comp, I either go right for the blood thirster or black cleaver.
Ok, i'm about to contradict myself here. The best starting item is a long sword and a health pot (2 health pots if your MF). All armor pen runes except blue and yellow. If you play safe and smart and avoid skill shots, you can send the enemy back in a matter of seconds depending on how well you harass. Honestly, unless something new comes a long, I am sticking with this starting item from now on.