

New Member
I was reading that RogerWilco and WCIII are compatable. Has anybody ever tried voice chat while playing WCIII?
no, it would help out alot though during tournements and stuff, wonder if its against the rules...

Oh yeah Tek has a Teamspeak server up i believe that also works with WC3 so when ppl play we can meet in the default channel and then go to our own little areas if we wish during the game ... ;)
It works on pretty much any game out there as long as your sound card can handle the game and Rojer Wilco. It does help and as far as im aware it is not considered cheating.
TeamSpeak > Roger Wilco. RW is now owned by Gamespy, which means I don't care to touch it with a ten-foot pole. Their lack of support for Gamespy 3D spoiled me for their products until I see good reason to believe otherwise, and, furthermore, the TeamSpeak server program is completely and legitimately free. In fact, I happen to run one on my secondary computer. *G*

For more information on the Christian Gamers Alliance TeamSpeak server, read on.
Have to use Roger Wilco for use with Flight Simming. But not for much longer. VATSIM has created their own voice client \ server combo that is going through open beta right now.

But then, VATSIM and Squawkbox have been in so called open beta since their inceptions. LOL. Gotta love the world of flight simming, nothing ever complete, always in testing.

I've gotten Teamspeak running. right on!!!