Recording demos...


New Member
Just a few quick bits of general info for players and admins alike. Type these into your console.

If you don't know where the console is, go into "Options" and bind a key to the Developer's Console (last item in the list), then click on "Advanced" and "Enable Developer's Console".

Demo Commands

record [demo name] = start recording a demo file (demo name is required, it won't auto-generate for you)
stop = stop recording demo
playdemo [*].dem = play a demo file, where * is the name of your demo file
demopause = pause playback after pause
demoresume = resume playback after pause
demotogglepause = pause/unpause demo playback
demoui = show the ui for demo playback <-- very useful for playblack, loading, fast forward, etc. It doesn't really rewind very well though.

cl_demoviewoverride [0/1] = detach/reattach camera in demo to the person who was recording the demo. 0 for detach, 1 for attach.
haha thats old schoolz right there