Raiding Improvement?

yes this is a no-inflation system. but we can only reward/charge whole numbers for dkp. you could always make it so that it was even, but then again with this system, you couldn't do stand-by dkp or other non-raid rewards without having a decay system in place also.

zero-sum is also on the plate for the dkp change btw
Okay i'm going to jump into this discussion! I agree completely with you Aves with the whole 10 man 25 man thing, and you are right, seeing as you don't use the system... your opinion matters because there is nothing beneficial for you to use as an advantage or disadvantage, with that being said, kudos to you =] So I do think that possibly a 10 man doesn't need dkp given and maybe we focus on just doing dkp for 25 mans? Is that too much to ask? Or is it too hard to do? If it is I completely understand, just a suggestion. And I know things are in the works right now so my suggestion might be completely irrelevant. Anywho, back to my corner of thoughts and ideas!
