Prayer Request for a friend


Active Member
Hi all,

The son of a friend of mine was in a very bad motorcycle accident yesterday. Mark (my friend) flew back from Las Vagas to be with his son and family. He's had two surgeries and the doctors have done all they can for him. From the sounds of it they've had to remove part of his brain.

Mark's son's name is Stephen, and his wife's name is Rose. Please be in prayer for them.

Mark is in ministry in the Las Vagas area working with young single moms.
Yesterday was a bad day. I spent the morning at the hospital with Mark. Stephen has a stroke Wednesday night Thursday morning and was in surgery Thursday. The doctor said that if he survives, he will be in a vegetative state. On top of that Mark is dealing with drama from his daughter-in-law. I don't know the dynamics but she has excluded him from everything. So in addition to dealing with his son, he's dealing with her.
Praise Jesus! Stephen was weaned off the paralytic drugs. He can open his eyes and follow simple commands! He wasn't expected to live let alone do that.
More praises for the Lord.

After he accident the doctor said that If he survived, he'd be a vegetable. Well, he's sitting up in a chair and kissing his wife. He has a LONG way to go, but God keeps beating the doctors. Amen!
Even more awesomeness from God. Stephen's been moved to ICU step down which means he will be able to go to the regular hospital and begin physical/occupational therapy.
Have another prayer request which I'm going to tack on here.

My best friend's mom died last night. To my knowledge she was not a believer, but my friend confessed that he "is not as agnostic as he used to be." God is working on him and his family. Please pray for him (Mike) and his dad.
More praises!

Stephen tied his own shoes and actually walked tonight.

From his wife...
"Rose Britton wrote:

Not gonna lie....cried as I walked behind my husband as he walked to the rehab room this morning....yes I said walked (with very little assistance)"

God is good!
It's the steady string of miracles which boosts our faith in God. Praise His Holy Name.