Post 2.0.1 patch addons


New Member
Here is a quickly put together while the addon sites were up addon package. Linky here

Unzip the file to your c:\program files\world of warcraft\Interface\addons directory.

Included in the above:

Bigwigs boss mod
Natur's Enemy Cast Bars
KTM - Threat Meter

I'll try and add more when I can find more. There is no decursive or detox there are also no click n' heals interfaces as Blizzard has changed the code to break how these mods work and have come out and said that they consider them to be above the intended game mechanics:

Essentially, we don't want UI mods to make combat-sensitive decisions for players and as such, we've made some changes that block functionality that we feel is counter to the spirit of these philosophies. As such, AddOns and macros can't make decisions on who to target or what spells to cast.
Just to clarify, that quote was made by an underinformed blue.

The real change is that Addons and macros can't decide who to target... that's it.

(all warlocks can breathe a sigh of relief now)

Macros that cast spells are still okay, so I believe the new version of "Decursive" will have an interface that lets you click on a character and then spam a Decursive button that determines which spell to cast on the character.
I donno, I just finished poking around with the new patch, and the stealth macro that Yucke gave me that casts stealth but won't bring you back out dosn't work anymore :( it's quite the bummer. /cry
Most all the addons and macros from before will still work and now even better in a lot of cases. While they did remove some of the "thinking" that mods are allowed to do. They greaty expanded the API set, so there is many cool new things mod developers. Give it like 2 weeks and you will be able to use your mods again.

Cheeseo, for your macro to work it will need to be rewritten. The macro library was overhauled a bit and it will still work but someone will have to write it under the new library.
The simple solution is to put people in charge of cleansing and healing groups. Overlap as much as we can but not so much as to burn people out. Give each pally, druid, priest, mage two groups to watch over for healing and cleansing, even if it overlaps with another pally, druid, priest or mage.

I never used a click n' heal mod. The only similiar idea mod I used was the emergency monitor, and even then, I only healed the bottom people on it if my group was ok.

We may want to think about how groups are organized. ie...Tree druids in a group full of priests\holy paladins = roxors for +healing. A feral druid with a group of rogues = +damage and returned health for crit strikes.
I'll be honest. As a holy/disc priest, one of my best friends are going to be shadow priests. Their 51 point talent will be great in raids, allowing that there are enough healers to allow some priests to spec that way...
I have a priest, disc(26)\holy(25). Never going back to shadow, even for leveling for BC. Never used a healing mod, never plan on it. And I'll figure out how to cleanse again... 5 man cleansing is easy...write up 5 macros.

/tar person1
/cast cleansingspell (rank #)

Maybe we should start a thread on simple easy to use macros to help people cleanse more effectively.
Clique is a click casting mod. What it does it allow you to assign spells to all your mouse buttons (also +ctrl, alt, shift) Then you can click on any frame (Main Tank, Raid frames, Group frames, emergency monitor) on your display and it will cast that spell on that target.

This mod works with 2.0patch and makes healing extremely more efficient. All the time of targeting and casting is shortened into 1 click. I highly recommend it for all healers who want to heal with the utmost efficiancy.

This will work for cleaning. Assign your cleanse to a button and then when you see the debuff go up on a frame, click on it and your set!

click here to download

SETUP: It adds a new tab to your spell book, open the tab and click on the spell in your book with the mouse button (or mouse+button combo) you want assigned. Its that easy!