New Patch!

If there's also a champ that desperatley needs buffing, it's silvr!!! please make her range at LEAST 500.
I hope cait gets a dmg increase buff, but also a range decrease by 30. Her range dominates every other ranged champ early game....630 is just too much..
TF needed a teleport nerf, his lane dominance was WAY op. also, annie needed that small damage nerf they snuck in :)
Noooo TF nerf for the lose

I was actually considering some of the IP I'd hoarded to unlock Twisted Fate because I liked his ult so much. Now I think I'll just unlock Blitzcrank and Brand (after playing all the available heroes, of course).

EDIT: I'll always remember the time I used TF's ult to teleport from spawn to the enemy's nexus, hammered on the nexus, forced the bots back toward their base, and knocked out the nexus right before my teammates arrived.

EDIT#2: Only 5 Champions left to play: Evelynn, Gragas, Shaco, Trundle, and Leona (and Leona is free to play this week)!
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I don't understand the big deal with TF. Just about every game I own TF without even trying. He is not OP at all....Maybe MF is just a direct counter to TF like cait is a counter to MF.
No Udyr nerf... I'm enjoying his current abilities just fine.

And Tek you'll have to add Wukong to the list too now.
No Udyr nerf... I'm enjoying his current abilities just fine.

And Tek you'll have to add Wukong to the list too now.
Wukong? Is that a giant ape? Or another monk/kung fu expert?

EDIT: Nevermind, it's both.

I will be interested in playing as him in 2 weeks, though, if only because of my interest in Chinese and Hindu mythologies.
EDIT#2: Only 5 Champions left to play: Evelynn, Gragas, Shaco, Trundle, and Leona (and Leona is free to play this week)!

Eve is scheduled for a major rework in the next month (not that they keep to their schedules often, heh). She was very strong for a while, currently has been super-nerfed just so they wouldn't have to worry as many complaints in the meantime :p

I don't understand the big deal with TF. Just about every game I own TF without even trying. He is not OP at all....Maybe MF is just a direct counter to TF like cait is a counter to MF.

Most champs can 1v1 TF if you are equal health/level/farm. His strength was the ability to farm/push/gank any lane, any time, so he was never IN fair fights; he only shows up when he can pick off a low health/cooldowns spent survivor, or to kill an undefended turret, or farm a creep wave, or join a 3v2 gank, etc. After the nerf, he can no longer pass between top and bottom lane at will, he has to waste a lot more time walking the river; which gives your team more time to take advantage of the 5v4, or to get a defender over to the turret he's walking toward, or gank him en route, etc.