Must finalize class!


Active Member
Throughout out beta I can't make up my mind!
I have it down to Sith Warrior- Juggernaught (melee dps/tank) and Bounty Hunter Powertech (ranged dps/tank) I am hoping to narrow it down soon, we are just a month and a few days from launch!

I like the style and story of the BH more then the Warrior. The BH has flamethrowers and a backpack with jets. BH also has the Jawa. BUT I tend to like melee more in MMOs then ranged. grrrrrr...decisions decisions.

Anyone else stuck on what class to be?
I'm still going back in forth between Sith Sorcerer and Sith Juggernaut. In other Star Wars games and in previous Bioware games I've been most fond of the ranged caster type, specifically using force lightning in Star Wars games. However, I've always loved tanking in MMOs so the Juggernaut is a closer fit to what I've always liked best in MMOs.
It isn't the ranged DPS I was saying I want, it is specifically the force powers. As I said, my favorite path in Star Wars games has typically been a very lightning/force heavy path. Also, I'm just more interested in both of the Sith stories than the bounty hunter story. Honestly the bounty hunter is the last Empire class I expect to play - the Agent story looks more interesting to me than the Bounty Hunter story does.

Now, all of that isn't to say that I think the Bounty Hunter will be lame or anything. I expect to play and enjoy it at some point. I'm just more interested in the other Empire classes than I am interested in the Bounty Hunter.
Ahh I see. Interesting about your thoughts on the story lines. From what I read in the forums the BH seemed to be the most popular storyline by far in terms of people loving it. The other side of the INQ is a tankish class right? It should still have force lightning while being a tank too. I have not played an assassin.
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I would say go the Jugg. I mean, the animation in melee is really sick. Also, lightsabers. <3
Ahh I see. Interesting about your thoughts on the story lines. From what I read in the forums the BH seemed to be the most popular storyline by far in terms of people loving it. The other side of the INQ is a tankish class right? It should still have force lightning while being a tank too. I have not played an assassin.

Yeah, I'd thought of that. If I'm going inquisitor I'd rather be a sorcerer, though, since he really uses his lightning a lot instead of just having the lightning. I do like roles other than tanking as well, tanking just tends to be my favorite. I guess I could just go into more detail on my thoughts on the two ACs I'm considering:

Sith Sorcerer

Character story - I tend to like characters that are powerful, but also intelligent. The inquisitor is the type of character who is always planning and plotting his path to power, not just smashing through enemies.

Force Lightning - UNLIMITED POWER!!!1!

Soloing - I like to be able to take on challenging opponents by myself, and having some healing ability so that you can keep your tank companion alive will help a great deal with this. I think I'm more likely to be successful at soloing if I'm healing my tank companion than if my healer companion is healing me.

New - In my past MMO experiences I've been main tank (a lot) and main healer a little. I was VERY briefly a melee DPS, too. I have never had my main character be a ranged DPS, though, so that would be new for me. It would be a fun change to be battling for the top of the DPS meter for a while.

Easier - This is actually sort of both a pro and a con for me. Usually I like the game role with the most difficult role and the most responsibility. Usually the main tank. That said, I've never been the guild leader before. It seems fairly likely that as guild leader I may have times when I need to be able to focus on more things than just what my character is doing at that moment. If that's the case, then being a ranged DPS would be nice. I want to keep myself as available as possible and would enjoy being open like that.

Not a tank - As I said, my favorite role in WoW was always the main tank. A sith sorcerer won't be doing that.

Easier - If I'm going for purely my favorite way to play in an MMO, I go for the most challenging role. Usually I don't find that to be the ranged DPS.

Sith Juggernaut
Built to tank - Have I said that I like to tank yet? My love for tanking means that I'll probably also try a BH powertech at some point, but I'm still not quite sure about the whole "ranged tank" thing yet.

Harder - Tanking is usually a more challenging role in my experience than any other raiding role. I like challenges.

Cons - Umm... it being harder might mean that I'll be unavailable for guild leader stuff whenever I'm tanking?

As you can see, there's more I like about the Sith Sorcerer, but also more I dislike. I didn't list the Juggernaut story in either pros or cons because I did REALLY like the Sith Warrior's storyline. It just isn't quite as much my style of story as the Inquisitor's is. I've absolutely loved all the storylines I've been able to try so far in TOR, so the distinctions in story are pretty small.

Bottom line: Right now I'm leaning toward the Sith Sorcerer, but the long term question will be how much I end up missing my tank.
Oh how I miss you SWG (pre-NGE of course)

I'm still up in arms about either Sith Warrior Marauder or Imperial Agent Sniper
I'm digging the Jedi Knight/Sentinel a lot. Have a feeling I'll wanna go a Juggernaut or Agent though. I enjoy running around throwing buffs on people. :p
Playing a Smuggler... I'm loving it to bits. Melee combat is nice, but the cover system is pretty neat. Rolling an Imperial Agent at launch, healer, too.
I'm like 90% sure I will go Bounty Hunter Powertech now. Run and gun style makes the game so much more entertaining.
Yeah..I'm going Imperial Agent so I can get the opposite of Smuggler. That smuggler was AWESOME!!
I have decided to make 2 characters, Bounty Hunter (Mercenary/Bodyguard), and the Sith Inquisitor (Not sure what way to go on this one)