Monday June 20, 2011


No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.

Philippians 3:13 NLT

Beating ourselves up over yesterday shows lack of focus. Live for tomorrow
for its brings us eternity!

Have a blessed week!!!
Slim this is the second time today I have read this theme. Kinda hits home because of my, er, um, interesting past. Thank you.
This morning I woke up with the lyrics to Thirty-three in my head:

"Deep in thought I forgive everyone, as the cluttered streets greet me once again."

and so my thought when I read your verse was that we also have to forget other people's pasts, too, even when those pasts have affected the present. We can only move forward from where we're at now, not some imaginary place we think we should have been.