March 29, 2007 - The Armor of God


The armor of God
By Jon Walker

“Stand your ground, putting on the sturdy belt of truth and the body armor of God's righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News, so that you will be fully prepared. In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” (Ephesians 6:14-17 NLT)

Ministry/Service — As you engage in ministry for God, you will be attacked by God’s enemy, Satan. God knows this, and so he has provided you with the tools you need to stand your ground in ministry.

Father, today, in Jesus’ name, I put on the girdle of truth. I thank you, for I know who I am and that I have the power of the Holy Spirit within me. God is in control of my life.

Thank you that I can put on the breastplate of righteousness. In all situations, help me to respond from the truth and not from my emotions. I can refuse to receive lies from the enemy.

Today I strap on the sandals of the gospel of peace. Wherever I go, I can be a peacemaker, helping others make peace with you. Help me to remember that there’s a difference between a peacekeeper and a peacemaker – and that mercy triumphs over judgment.

You, my shield of faith, are sufficient to protect me from any arrows and slings the enemy throws my way, and I recognize that my faith comes by hearing the Word of God.

Thank you that you are giving me the mind of Christ. Because I wear the helmet of salvation, I can receive the truth, and I don’t have to think in old, fleshly patterns. My mind is being renewed by the power of God. I can take thoughts captive for Christ.

The sword of the Spirit is your Word, the Bible. With guidance from the Holy Spirit, I can use your Word to deflect any slings and arrows from the enemy, knowing I do not battle flesh and blood but that the fight is against the father of all lies. Help me also use your Word to spread your Gospel across the world.

Lord, I set my mind and heart on you today. I dedicate this whole day to you. I only want your will for my life. Through the name and blood of Jesus, I ask you to bind the enemy in my home, at my children’s school, and at my job.

So what?

· God already has provided all the armor you need to face today’s battles.

· When you feel a battle brewing, whether it be a temptation or a conflict, remind yourself again of the armor God has given you.

· When you sense conflict, discouragement, or anxiety this week, thank God that he is your shield and deliverer.

© 2007 Jon Walker. All rights reserved.

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