Mage Role


New Member
To Mage class leaders, Shagz and Cryogenic (or any other qualified person to answer)

I'm trying to get an idea of what kind of mage will be expected to raid with Redeemed, or what kinds.

Arcane mages have a solid raid buff in Arcane Tactics.
Frost mages can provide slight raid mana regen through Enduring Winter.
Fire mages can provide the best AoE.

Is the guild going to need people in each of these positions? Does Redeemed even need frost mages at all?

Are we matching groups up based on these kinds of buffs, or is it just personal preference to the mage and they just need to be the best in that role?

I love being in a position to where I can help, so if I'm not needed as a frost or fire mage, I'd gladly pick up and start mastering Arcane.

Just curious if we need one, or even if we already have one.


As far as spec, I'm not sure we are going to request anything as of right now. In Fierce's hardcore progression team, he may ask for a certain spec or talent to be had any particular week though.

Right now, I have dual-spec, but only one spec completed. This gives me the ability to be able to create any spec my raid leader might need that night.

From what I've seen of the other mage specs, fire is by far the most mobile. In fact, Fireball is the only spell in your rotation you can't cast while on the move. The ability to maintain up to 90% of your burn rotation dps while on the move is HUGE.

The final say though, lies with the leader of your current raid. That's why I've left my second spec open - to be ready to fit any need the raid might have for that night.
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From my experience so far in Cata raids, practically every boss fight requires a lot of movement and many require good AOE capability. So it would seem that fire fits the bill for that.
Roger that.

I'm working up to have enough gear for fire... The next time I get in I'll create a fire spec and try it in a normal dungeon or something to get my skills down. Once I feel confident in that I'll test it in heroics with my current gear and see if it handles better than frost.

It's just hard to get over 70K deep freeze crits ....