Keep'in in touch


New Member
Hello All,

Sorry to not have been on the boards or game recently, but due to some wrist issues I have been only using my computer when I have to work. It appears I messed up both wrists pretty good a couple of months ago with a lot ot typing and painting inside our house. I type for a living so stopping the activity which is causing the problem is not really an option, thus the limited computer use for fun and recreation. :( Gary and I both cancelled our accounts to save cash as I am not sure how long this will go on. It has been a true pleasure playing with everyone and I plan on peeking in on the forums to see how things are going.

God Bless


ps my acct inactivates on 11/07 so if there is anything you need from Alsinia just let me know asap and I will sneak on for a few.
Its been a True Blessing to Know you both We will miss ya and our Prayers will always be with you!!

Rest up and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

God Bless you and Peace and Love be with you every where you go!
