Is the Pre-Order...


Tribe of Judah Membership Administrator
THAT important? I don't mind not getting into the early beta, but should I plop down some extra money for a tent and a ring that does more damage? :confused:
The regular edition Pre-order should be the same price as it will be for retail, but you get the extra stuff for buying in advance.

The items will probably not be a big deal by the end game, but it will def help for the first set of levels
It will make the game easier on you.

But of course it's all up to you whether you want these special items or not.

If you don't think they are worth an extra $30, then you don't have to get them.

Thats how I look at it anyway.
The extra $30 is for the Collector's Edition Pre-order which is sold out anyways.
The Regular Edition Pre-order does not cost any more then retail and you still get lots of goodies!