Intelligent Design defeated in court

Didasko said:
Macro evolution can be added to the list as well. This quote describes macro evolution perfectly.

It belongs in the philosophy classroom as well if that is where we put ID.

W R O N G!

The difference here is that Macro Evolution can be tested by the scientific method.

I don't believe in macro evolution either, and I firmly believe that using the scientific method, we will one day disprove it.

I don't understand all this talk about dumping evolution into philosophy. Do you understadn the difference between philosophy and science?

And just a note, I do not support intelligent design either. I support full blown Biblical creationism. ID is a watered down compromise

Thank you!

Too bad those Dover school board members weren't that honest.
Dark Virtue said:
How about observing, testing and recording fossil records?

Read On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection for detailed examples of the above.

Honestly, was this a serious question? Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp?

Yes it was, and it sort of is a difficult concept because here I thought that you had to test and observe the process itself! And where in the fossil record is there proof of evolution?
reading the papers about pro-creationist, they do not seem to demonstrating the right attitude... i disagree with them, based on the way the push for ID. It's a little bit strange because they present a different image.

as for the conversation, i have nothing to add. :) XD
ChickenSoup said:
Yes it was, and it sort of is a difficult concept because here I thought that you had to test and observe the process itself! And where in the fossil record is there proof of evolution?

It's not always possible to observe the process itself. But if the process exists, then it has ramifications that can be observed, even if the process that created them can't be. Think about observing ripples in a pond, you can obvserve the ripples without actually seeing what caused them.

The fossil record is full of proof of evolution. Now before you take that ball and run with it, note that I said evolution, not Darwinian Evolution or Macro Evolution. If you need to define evolution, click here:
SilentAssassin said:
reading the papers about pro-creationist, they do not seem to demonstrating the right attitude... i disagree with them, based on the way the push for ID. It's a little bit strange because they present a different image.

as for the conversation, i have nothing to add. :) XD

Actually, you added quite a lot, thank you :)
The rules of the game are quite simple - evolution is there to be attacked if the scientific principle can be used to remove the foundations of the theory.

The problem is, though, that Creationists seem to feel that the only way they can affect the theory of evolution is by proving Creationism - and I just don't think that's possible.