Important Legion Info


Active Member
The Elect - Tribe of Judah Chapter

If you are interested in joining us in Aion Online, please visit this thread

Legion info:

Legion - The Elect
Server - Siel
Race - Elyos
Official Aion database link - Click Here


Mumble Server: (get Mumble here)
Server -
Port - 64738
Please join us!

Legion Staff

One2dredd - Legion Leader
Character name - Fionadredd

Zandaris - officer / 2nd in command
Character - Zandaris

Sidonia - officer
Character - Sidonia

Zypher - officer
Character - Abar

Aleron - officer
Character - Aleron

Legion Bank Information:

1.) I will promote those who have been in the Legion for 2 weeks(ish), to rank 2.
2.) This will only be done for your main char
3.) Guild warehouse items are for main accounts only. Exceptions can be made, just get approval first.
4.) New people need help the most. With this in mind, you can get something from the guild bank for someone who does not have access yet.
5.) I will trust you not to invite people into the legion. That is for Official officers only.
6.) Should/When NCSoft fixes Legion permissions. There may be some demoting to keep things in order. When this happens - No Complaining!


Useful links

Offical Aion wiki - Powerwiki

Aion Database - Aion Armory

Official Aion Forums:
The Aion Source class forums:

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