Hello all..I'm new here


New Member
Hi and thanks for the welcome. My name is Jeff but i will likely post as my main WoW toon Nijole. I tried to post 2-6-08 but I never saw the thread make it on. Nijole is a 70 Gnome Rogue currently on the PvE Suramar server. I play quite a bit and am mostly Kara equipped with the a smattering of gear from PvP and Gruul, which my guild just started killing. I am contemplating changing servers and moving Nijole to a server with a progressive guild that is Christian. What a blessing this has been for me to become aware and involved in a group of Christians that play. :D May get my youngest son in here too, he is a CoD player.
Your post is probably still in queue somewhere. Everybodies first post ends up in queue for the mods to review. After 6,000 posts, mods just ignore you LOL
The Forgiven is a PvE alliance guild, they had three Kara teams at one point of time. I know they have Gruul experience, beyond that, I don't know.