Halp! I needz Epik G3Ms for All my L33T New Lootz!!


New Member
Get some new gear that you need to gem but you're low on gold? (Or prefer not to spend your hard earned pixels of Au?)

Don't forget that in Champion's Hall (SW) you can trade Honor for Gems. 10K will get you a purple, green, or orange epic and 20K will buy you a red, yeller, or blue one.

EDIT:Good news, the Red, Blue, and Yellow Epics are only 10K honor too. If you spend Emblems (Triumph->Conquest->Valor->Heroism) they are 20 vs. 10 so I would say Honor is a great way of buying those colors!!

Don't have any honor you say? It's a little-known factoid that 30 x Stone Keeper's Shards (Apollux is sitting on like 1,400 of them :eek: ) will buy you one x Wintergrasp Commendation. "On use" those puppies grant you 2K honor each, however to buy them the Alliance must be in control of WG at the time.

Just a tip from your +36Intellect Prot Warrior friend. :D
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Get some new gear that you need to gem but you're low on gold?

Don't forget that in Champion's Hall (SW) you can trade Honor for Gems. 10K will get you a purple, green, or orange epic and 20K will buy you a red, yeller, or blue one.

Don't have any honor you say? It's a little-know factoid that 30 x Stone Keeper's Shards (Apollux is sitting on like 1,400 of them :eek: ) will buy you one x Wintergrasp Commendation. "On use" those puppies grant you 2K honor each, however to buy them the Alliance must be in control of WG at the time.

Just a tip from your +36Intellect Prot Warrior friend. :D

And a good tip it is, thanks!