Gotta catch 'em all!


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member

Hoping to hit 125 tomorrow. :)

I might decide to go for 150 after that. Or I might come to my senses. (Odds are in favor of the former rather than the latter, though.)
Quit making me want to play PokeWoW! :P
It's all part of my recruiting efforts. :)

(Not really, I just <3 collecting virtual pets. But hey, if you want to join up, be sure to post on the forums with your characters' names! :))
Up to 127! Got my Brilliant Kaliri for the Menagerie achievement.

Another 23 battle pets and I shall claim my very own Celestrial Dragon!

(Now I really, REALLY wish I could move my Onyxia Whelpling and White Kitten from Madoran to Stonemaul. :()

I was unreasonably excited to discover that I could add my Onyxia Whelpling to my pet collection just by logging in to one of my characters on Madoran.

I was also thrilled to find a White Kitten Carrier in my Madoran bank alt's bank. :D
Yeah, that was about the reaction I was expecting. :)