Friday 13 December, 2017


Officer SOE/LoE/Where's "here"?
Romans 12:11-12 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
11 Do not lack diligence; be fervent in spirit; serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.
Just some basics to think about, and how they could change your outlook on life. I had thought of giving the passage in NIRV to make it even more clear, but this should do. Certainly verse 12 is plain enough particularly patient in affliction, remember God acts in His perfect timing, that is why the last part of verse twelve. Are we, am I, persistent in prayer? Do we focus on the real situation and keep it before Him? I like that the Holy Spirit prays with us to do the last part of verse 12.

Dear God let your Holy Spirit work in us to do the things in these two verses. Let us learn to rejoice in our hope, and patient in our afflictions. In Christ's name amen.