For Mike B: My Trinity Set Up

Here's a SS of how I set it up. It will look nicer when I can get pearl unit frames, hits mode and clean chat again. The buff window isn't showing right now, I have it's opacity fully clear, no border and not buffed. However, it's to the right and above the combat window, re sized to be small too.

Nice setup.

One question: if you don't have your buff window showing, how are you going to fulfill your contractual obligation as a rogue to whine about how you need fort and GOTW? This may be a real setback to your setup.

Oh, and gratz on 60!
how did you get your unit frames released? I couldn't figure that out with any of the mods that I had downloaded.
i couldn't get my player frame, target frame (and target's target frame) released. Maybe I was doing it wrong (or forgot to try to move it with the frames showing and unlocked.)

I'll try again tomorrow once I get home.
CT Unit Mod, but I'm using perl unit frames now. They are worlds better.

Oh and I do have my buff window showing, it's just invisible, because I'm not buffed. :) It shows when I am though!