Finding God's Peace

My (and I stress the MY part) answer is this....

+ prayer to Him
+ meditation on Him
+ speak about Him
= Focus my life on Him = God's peace.

If that doesn't answer, like I said, that is my answer.
Praise would also be a good one to add to that list. :)

i am curious.... any Biblical references? Sometimes God hides Gems in plane view, hidden until someone really searches for them.
Relax and rest - knowing that while there "here and now" may be filled with confusion, pain, and turmoil... our eternal life has been bought and paid for. When our end here approaches, we will be delivered to our Father's house.

The Apostle Paul gave us a pretty good view of this, I think. He wrote that he was torn. He wanted to stay here on earth and spend time with those around him - family, fellow believers, non-believers (so he could continue to work for God). But at the same time, he longed to be done in the world.

How can we not find peace while knowing that our problems are all temporary? knowing that when God calls us home, we get to go to Heaven? How can we not be thrilled to know that our earthly bodies approach death with every heartbeat? Morbid? Hardly! Someday I will get to worship at the feet of my Creator and Redeemer. A bit terrifying in all honesty, but exciting none-the-less.

Roughly 1,230,712,704 heartbeats down for me. While I hope I get to see 4 billion heartbeats, it doesn't worry me one bit that I may not see 1,230,713,000.

I think that "finding peace" is just what happens when we start to see things the way God intended them to be seen. We don't have to see the world with envy, greed, lust, or hatred. We can see the world with love, understanding, and patience. When we start to align our hearts with God's wishes (because we know that He won't conform to what we want: He is the master planner. He's got it all figured out), we start to see things in a different perspective.

But I think that we also have to find peace for ourselves. Oddly enough, I've found it in a hungry man's eyes (1). I've found it in a hurting man's voice (2). I've found it in an old woman's living room (3). I've found it in a dying man's bedroom (4). I've found it because I've let go of what I think, and started letting God guide me. I've found myself angry, resentful, spiteful.. only to find something that God has set out for me to do... then watch the little miracles happen.

(1) I gave him food. I can't even begin to describe the appreciation in his eyes.
(2) I gave him a ride so he wouldn't have to walk.
(3) Her family was there when I was taking care of her. Their interactions showed me more about love and what it means to be a family.
(4) Watching someone cry at the loss of a loved one, yet happy and smiling because the woman knew she her husband didn't hurt anymore, and soon enough, they would be reunited eternally.

It's hard to find the light when you're holding your eyes closed because of your fear of darkness. But the light is there if you open your eyes to it.
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