Double Fame Tonight! - 5Oct07


Legacy of Elijah Officer
I assume we're doing HA tonight to take advantage of the double fame weekend. Plan to gather between 9 and 10pm eastern for faction farming and we'll go into HA at 10pm.
well, the alliance team didnt do too well, only about 2 rounds before Derk went MIA and the team dissolved. But Raven and I joined a PUG and played with them. We won one round cause the other team resigned, but we did kill 1 guy! After that Caro joined the team. Our team then decided to win one round, and lose, then win another, and another, and finaly get beat by the team that we first beat. All in all, it was an awsome pug! Good people, knew what they were doing, and of course, we had some awsome monks :) :). We had 1 W/E, 1 R/? , 4 SH E, 2 Monks. It was a SH ele team, the ranger only really provided us monks with another target.

but for a total of 8 fame, i'll take that useless ranger!

9 more fame till rank 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!