DM Saturday Night?


New Member
I know most of you all are heading to ZG tonight, so how about a DM run on Saturday evening?

I picked this quest up last night, Lethtendris's Web which can be seen here . For those who don't want to click the link, or can't for some reason, I need to kill Lethtendris in DM East. She also drops a staff that I would love to have, Quel'dorai Channeling Rod, as well as I'm still using my staff from ZF.

I know this is kind of short notice as I'd like to go tomorrow evening, however if anyone would like to help out, I'd appreciate it.

Take care all,

What time are you thinking about starting? I MIGHT be able to get clearance for Saturday night :) depending on starting time. If its 8pm server time I should be able to swing it.
Thanks Adam. I'm always glad to have your help for a quest.

An 8pm server time, start time, sounds good for me. As long as everyone else is ok with that. I can start at any time after 6pm server time.

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So for 8pm Server Time, 10pm Eastern Time, our group looks like this so far for DM East: Congnomedrum, Sharps, Kirjath, Esua, and Reasonable.

Looks like we have our tanks, and I hope Kirjath doesn't mind healing. Not that we will need a lot of it, but some will be required.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all this evening. Have a great Saturday.

The DM run that I was hoping for did not occur yesterday, which is ok because I got to head to uBRS anyway. Would anyone be interested in going to DM this evening by chance?
Probably won't see me on tonight. Roller Hockey game tonight plus 2am the last 2 nights will probably get me to bed without playing tonight.