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New Member
I'm on my way to Michigan this weekend. My dad has asked that the doctors turn the ventilator off this afternoon (my dad's been on a ventilator since August). He might die, and he might not. The doctors say he will in an hour after he's off the vent. God might say different.

Anyway, if you could lift your voices to YHVH, I'd appreciate it. I'm not asking that anyone pray that dad live through this; just that God's will be done, and that I'm able to be alot more graceful and helpful than I regularly am. Also the roads are really bad between here and there, and I'm abit worried about that.

Well, an update. Thank you for praying for travel. It was needed. The trip up was amazingly good. There was even no construction. The trip back, however, was wretched. It seems like it was my fault, but normally I'm a really good driver. There were at least five times, however, between Grand Rapids, MI and Liberty, IN when I was nearly run off the road for one reason or another. I just kept praying that God'd make up for my lack of concentration.

On the big note, my dad did die on Saturday. Well, die....he went home. He spent the last few hours wondering why the nurses weren't turning things off yet, and when he was going to get to go home. So, we're heading back to Michigan tonight. The calling (or visitation, or whatever the heck y'all call it) is going to be tomorrow for several hours, and then the funeral is going to be at 10am on Wednesday.

So....that's that. Continue praying for the incidental stuff like travel and all that, and for the big stuff like the family and all that.

Thanks guys.
will do
thanks all.

we're home, and everything went alright.

dad's way better off now. i think it's just those of us that are left behind, still having to deal with this life that God's given us. i'm glad, however, that he's finished his race and his faith has become sight.

my brother said a very poignant thing at the funeral. "what better time to have a funeral than a christmas. this is the very reason that Jesus was born. we celebrate the birth of a child whose sole purpose was to die so that when we died, we could spend eternity with him." pretty smart guy, my brother.

if i was to die, i would want the sole purpose of my funeral to be a gospel message to my relatives who dont know Christ. w3rd to your bro. My sympathies to you also, im glad you can take hope in the fact he now sits beside our saviour. It was very reassuring when both my grandparents died that they both made deathbed repentances due to some sterling work by my mum. It takes the sting out of it all.... always wondered what that hymn meant ;)
cool passage that's really sustained me through the death of my grandma and my dad, even apart just from the knowledge of all the stuff I've learned over the years is 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14. It says "but I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him."

Cool, huh.
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