Custom Map Gamenight 3!

Is there any chance someone could mirror this map pack at another location? If I were still on the 4MB connection I was using in Tulsa, I wouldn't have any problems, but the connection I'm on now ranks somewhere around 768K at best. In other words, my download speed is about 1/5 of what it used to be.

FileFront is a great file host, but I'd like to use a download manager to snag the file pack so I don't have to grab it all in one go (and FileFront isn't compatible with GetRight).

If someone could mirror the map pack and PM me with the mirror URL, I'd greatly appreciate it.

If not, I'll try to snag it some time during the next few days.

EDIT: Marked the event on my Outlook and Google calendars.
Tek, you have FTP access to the server, why don't you just download 'em from there?
Because the .BSP files are uncompressed. The map pack is a much smaller download than all uncompressed maps put together.
Right...but you can use GetRight over FTP, can't you? Well, 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other I suppose. :p
Right...but you can use GetRight over FTP, can't you?
Aye, but it would require a much longer download overall, since the .BSP files, collectively, are much larger than the .7Z archive.

I thought I'd try downloading the map pack today, since I'd be at the keys for a while. The download halted around 57%, so I gave up on downloading the pack.

Then I had an, "Oh, duh, why didn't I think of that before?" moment and realized I could queue up the individual maps in GetRight.

I might end up having to do the same for the second ToJ UT3 map pack.
Hmmm... you can also FTP into the ToJ redirect server? Those are all compressed too...

He could have downloaded it in the time you two have been chatting about it.
Not necessarily. I'm on a 768K connection that decides to randomly drop large, non-resumeable downloads.
Just a reminder, next week is TF2 custom game night! Make sure you download the map pack ahead of time, to speed things up.

Elihu should be kicking things off eary-ish, 8pm EST/7pm CST (Elihu, correct me if I'm wrong), and I'll be coming in later, 'round 9pm EST to cover the later evening.

Also, lately we've been having casual, unplanned gatherings on Tuesday evenings. If you're around tonight, check the ToJ server and join us for a match or two. We may run a couple of the smaller customs while we're at it!
Looking forward to next week's game night!

I might pop in for a couple minutes tonight, but I have a busy day Wed. so I won't be able to stay for long.
Just a reminder, next week is TF2 custom game night! Make sure you download the map pack ahead of time, to speed things up.

I have all the maps in the pack downloaded, so I'm ready to roll. Barring any unforeseen interruptions, I'll be there!
Boy that only gives me a week to do my final tweaking on my computer after the re-format.
Won't be there for this one, I'll be on vacation. I'm interested to here your opinions of a few of the maps. They look rather interesting.
Just a reminder, custom map game night is tonight! Whon, hope you got your computer formatted. :)

Elihu's supposed to kick things off, but I've been a bit out of the loop and haven't seen any posts from him in a while. Elihu, just post back here to confirm what time you're kicking off. I'll be on the server around 8pm EST or so.
yeah, I'm starting early to double check some tweaks, but I'm in for a go tonight. See you in my crosshairs!!!
Thanks to all those who came out tonight, some excellent gaming, even if not all the maps were totally up to snuff.

My quick thoughts...

cp_switchback_b5: very good looking, nice layout, but we didn't have enough players to really give it a go. Also, lots of points where demos and soldiers could jump up to and defend points. Might be balance out by the fact that they become sniper fodder at that point but...

cp_junction_v2: pretty good cp map, there are some serious choke points at B and C, but I don't think we had enough players to really see those points in action. It's a good one to keep around, maybe go into the rotation.

ctf_chaos_b2: love this map, fast 'n fun for small groups. I think it should go into the rotation, 'n watch for new versions.

cp_vertigo_beta3: not sure if this is a *great* map, but it's definitely fun. I think people had more fun falling of the edge of the map then actually playing it. :)

cp_heatsink_b3: meh....nothing special here.

ctf_convoy_v2: unfortunately couldn't get this to load, the version on the server might have been corrupt. :/
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I think Shags assessment is pretty close to mine. Most of the maps played last night really need a full server to test completely. I think even cp_heatsink_b3 could have possibilities on a full server. We'll have to see what updates change things on that one. Like everyone was saying last night, if you have played counterstrike before you would start to recognize cp_vertigo_beta3. Fun for now, but if a team wasn't there to enjoy it and just jump off all the time it would get old fast. Ctf_chaos_b3 is just what the title says, chaos everything is so close that with a lot of people you really wouldn't get that much life time. Someone is constantly coming out of a corner or somewhere to flank you. Very enjoyable on game nights, but not sure about pubbin. My personal favorite of the night would have to go to cp_junction.v2, I like the choke points, makes team fortress a real "team" based game. Strong defensive spots make for a need for an organized and strong offense in order to over turn CPs.
Would have to throw my two cents in and agre with both Whon and Shagz in both of their assessments of the maps. It was a fun night and big thanks to all those who attended!