
Also available through the WowAce Updater. Scroll down to the mods not installed and select it. Then choose "Install/Update Marked Addons With Externals" from the "File" menu. Be sure to delete CraftBot from your interface/addons menu so you do not have competing mods.
For those that are wondering why it's so great?

There are three activation commands, depending on what you're looking for.

!craft is used to search any of your craftable items on ANY alt (by default, but this can be changed. See below). This is available to not only you, but everyone that activates your mod. The nice thing about this is that I have my warrior unguilded because I never play him, yet a lower-level player could use my mod to see what blacksmithing patterns I can still make. !Craft searching through your alchemy, tailoring, jeweling, leatherworking, blacksmithing, engineering, and cooking. As far as I know, it does NOT search through your enchanting abilities.

!Enchant will search through any of your enchanting patterns, plain and simple.

!Gem (or !gems, in some older versions) will search through your jewelcrafting patterns. I think it still looks through your craftable rings and necklaces, as well. The really nice thing about this is that you can use modifiers such as "red" "blue", etc, that would return 20-30 results from other professions to only get a few results.

There are multiple ways to activate the /guild and in /whisper. If you want to see specifically what red gems *I* can make with my jewelcrafting, you would use the following:

/whisper Durruck !gem red

You can use multiple modifiers..
/whisper Durruck !gem red spell damage
/whisper Durruck !gem blue healing

using the guild function will return results from anyone running the mod. I highly recommend that if you use this function, you make sure you're running a chatmod, such as Cellular or WIM, as you're likely to get /w-spam from lots of people.
/guild !enchant mongoose
/guild !gem blue healing
/guild !craft healing

The last example (/g !craft healing) will return a TON of results, as it will give you every piece of gear crafted by tailoring, smithing, engineering, leatherworking, and jewelcrafting. You've been warned :)

If you're just feeling out who can make an item, I would recommend using the /guild activation - it's much easier than asking "can anyone make super mana potions?" If I'm AFK, in an instance, or just not paying attention, you'll still get an answer from my mod.


From the standpoint of someone using the mod, it's very easy to get it up-and-running. You just log into each of your toons and open your crafting menus, the mod does the rest.

If you want to be able to see *exactly* what your mod is sending out, leave the settings on default.

If you want to hide the /w-spam, you'll need to change the settings. Tyle '/clist menu' to open the options dialogue. Click on "CraftList2" and change whatever settings you desire there. You can also filter out recipes, specific toons, and a lot of other things through the menu.

For example, I have 2 characters that are alchemists, but one of them is my L33 paladin that has no special recipes. I didn't see the point of having the mod output any data from him, so I disabled him. I also took out specific, common cooking recipes (nobody really cares that I can make boar ribs or westfall stew).

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Also available through the WowAce Updater. Scroll down to the mods not installed and select it. Then choose "Install/Update Marked Addons With Externals" from the "File" menu. Be sure to delete CraftBot from your interface/addons menu so you do not have competing mods.

There are two on there, craftlist and craftlist2.. which one?
Thanks Randy for that explanation. The guild search function is simply amazing. The number of "can someone make X" now can get an answer everytime but instead of depending on someone responding (or not responding), you are in the driver's seat. You can get the answer you need immediately. I love cl2 for this purpose.