Class leader nominations\elections

As Champoflight approach Avesthers, he raises his hand and readies himself, he hears a soft voice in his head, it is his mother Goodwone.

"No son," she coos, "Avesther is right, these mud pies are great for the complextion. Stay your hand and leave her be for she has given me great insight." Begged Goodwone.

With that, Champoflight makes a gentle jesture to signal his mighty steed to return home. During his flight home, Champs thoughts drifted back to home and his mother and father. He wonder out loud, "What idea could she possibly have."

After stabling his Gryphon, he ran towards the house chanting "Mother I am home, what is your idea, enlighten me mother, for I am home and do wish so much to hear your voice." He barely noticed a sign that hung gingerly over the door. "Hmm, I don't remember that" he said to himself.

Champ burst into the living room of his parents house and found it abnormally darkened, given the light of day outside. Candles light the room and caused an eerie dance of light and shadow upon the walls, ceiling and the drapes that have been drawn over the windows. He saw people upon every chair and every couch, every cushion and pillow laid somebodies head. He could make out Melinarlia, with a mud mask and what appeared to be cucombers over her eyes. There was Lady Goblit in the corner with Powderpuff doing her nails. And did Champs eyes deceive him, his mother Goodwone was massaging and watching Powderpuffs feet. Seathra layed under a bed of light that was as bright as day off in another room and other women of all races and colour clammered about the room getting their hair done.

"Welcome home!" exclaimed Goodwone, "what do you think of my idea? Did you see my sign outside the door 'Welcome to Goodwones spa and Relaxation Emporium."

"Good idea Mother, surely after a hard days work people deserve to be so well cared for. Surely we must thank Avesther for this."

That night as Champ slept, he felt an overwhelming peace lift his spirt and give him fortitude to last another day in this nightmare laden land. He dreamt of sugar plums and fairies that night, which in itself is quite a feet, as deams, much more then sleep have been hard to come by. One last oddity he did recall from his dream that kept him and his friends at the end of their breeches as he recounted this story to the end of his days was that of the appearance of a dancing can of canned meat named Sparn.
Goodwone has one thing to say: ROFL with tears in eyes and shaking with overly dramatic uncontrolled convulsions punctuated by occasional outbursts of shrieks while choking on the mudpie she has been forced to eat while unable to even come close to sparring with the likes of gorgeous, glowing, ethereal Avesther...................................:D
